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Eblast – May 11-14 STEM Activities

Spartanburg Science CenterNews Eblast – May 11-14 STEM Activities

Eblast – May 11-14 STEM Activities

Thank you for your support on #GivingTuesdayNow

IT’S EASIER THAN EVER TO SUPPORT SCIENCE!Amazon shoppers please consider supporting the Science Center by choosing to shop through Amazon Smile! Click here to learn more and connect your account or view our wishlist.

Email science@spartanarts.org if you have a glass aquarium to donate or produce for the animals such as lettuce, tomatoes, bananas, apples, potatoes, and raw eggs!

Support Science
May 4-7 Activities


In Celebration of National Shrimp Day (May 10), join Jess for a lesson on the math behind estuary science. From the density of fresh and salt water to soundscape science and the impact of shrimp on the South Carolina economy Tune in at 1 pm. Watch LIVE on Facebook | Watch on YouTube 


Native to South Carolina, Florida Softshells often live in swamps and ponds. These turtles are known for their long necks, which can grow to be a foot and a half long. Follow along in our Instagram and Facebook stories on Tuesday to learn about this unique species.


Head over to the Science Center blog on Wednesday to learn about Belle W. Baruch, a notable conservationist, and philanthropist who made the SC coast her home. Learn about her adventures as a pilot hunting for German submarines on the SC coast in World War II and her work educating school children and caring for her pet deer.


Join Jess as we make buttermilk biscuits! At 1pm she’ll be tearing apart the science behind making fluffy, hot biscuits and telling the stories behind some of South Carolina’s state symbols. Watch LIVE on Facebook | Watch on YouTube 

Watch the Replay & Follow our Blog
Follow along with our activities by reading our new blog, start a Watch Party on Facebook with your classmates, watch the replay on Facebook, or visit our YouTube Channel to get a recap of past activities.

Learn about the math behind eggs
Facebook | YouTube

Meet local hummingbirds

Learn about Harold Johnston & bird nests
Read the blogBuild bird nest buffet

Learn how birds and dinosaurs are related
Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

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